Meagan miller, Meghan Elrick – Youth Leaders
For each of us our camp experience have been a little different. Some of us have been here before and others are making their own way. Coming with a friend or making new ones through sailing, canoeing, or swimming either way you’ll know you have friends when you leave. In December when Christmas comes you’ll realize the biggest gift of all is having a place full of memories that will always be waiting for you every summer.
For me, Meagan Miller, coming to this leadership program wasn’t originally part of my plans. I was supposed to spend July playing beach volleyball but due to injuries and an opening in the July L1 program, I applied two weeks prior to departure. Being here and making all these memories makes me feel so gifted. I have made so many amazing memories that don’t seem so special on paper but the atmosphere and the people is what made them special to me. Leadership has made me realize that nothing compares to the feeling of seeing Kitchi when you are approaching on the barge. You start becoming more and more selfless because no matter how hard you try, you will always need help sometimes. I have never been one to freely ask for help, but here I feel like I can and anybody is willing to help. Whenever I get back from camp I feel like there’s a hole inside of me that can only be filled with the feeling of being here. I have always liked camp but this summer made me love it. Some of my favourite memories of this summer involves; playing odds during our 5 day out trip; playing an unnamed game on the beach during change over late at night, Bonding with everyone from L1 girls to L2 boys. You know the friends you make here are true because there is no way you can spend a month being fake. They like you for being you.
But on the other hand, for me, Meghan Elrick Kitchi has been a place that I have heard of for all my life. A lot of my family have been coming for years so when came to an older age it was just right that it was my time. Before this leadership program Kitchi has been a place that I have loved but never the part of my, I wouldn’t cry at the end and I would become excited for it around the beginning of july. After participating in the L1 program it has been one of my favourite months in a while. Not just the beautiful island with the hot sand and gorgeous views but the people who come here. I have made lifelong friends, who I will keep in touch with for as long as I can. This Kitchi L1 program is a once in a life experience that will stay with you forever. Now I know leaving will be a very hard day and come December, I will be dreaming Kitchi.
Even though both of us have had at camp before, but after the L1 program, we have not only experience the same things but are now closer friends. Now for both of us, Kitchi is a place we can call home.