Dale – Barrie YMCA staff
I grew up at the Y, I have been a member in different capacities for my whole life. I started in Child Care, took gymnastics and swim lessons, went to camp, exercised there as a young adult, became a fitness leader and a staff member and have chosen the YMCA as my life’s work.
Aside from family, the Y has had the greatest impact in my life. Growing up at the Y is a special experience. I had so many role models and mentors. Even before I knew what assets were, assets were being built in me. Out of 40 assets (assets are the 40 values, experiences and qualities which empower youth to succeed), I rated at 38, most people rate at 17 out of 40. I believe it’s because I grew up at the Y.
I am so honoured to be able to offer these same programs and services to the Barrie community that I benefited from as a child and still do as an adult. It gives me great pride every day to work at the Y and see the effects of the Y on individuals, families and the community.