The Cottle Family – Wasaga Beach Volunteers
As a result of her husband’s sudden heart attack, Allison realized it was time to take charge regarding her own outlook towards personal health and well-being.
She quit smoking in January 2012. Allison, knowing that weight gain would most likely be a side effect of ridding herself of cigarettes, she got more active and joined the Wasaga Y. Drawing from her competitive swimming experience as a child, she began swimming laps. When the pool was briefly shut down for maintenance, she ventured upstairs and tried yoga. Friendships developed and she was encourages to try a Pilates class. Since Allison was up for trying anything and loved a new challenge, she excitedly went off to try Pilates.
Allison thrived in Pilates and started to look forward to the classes and her new found fitness family. Before long, it was suggested that she consider becoming a certified Pilates instructor. Without hesitation, Allison jumped in with both feet.
Armed with the knowledge that young people are openly welcome to volunteer, she inquired as to whether or not her 12 year old son, Clinton, could have the opportunity (taking into account that he did not enjoy physical activity). Considering Clinton’s Asperger’s, personable character, high intelligence and fun energy, the membership desk dovetailed nicely with his abilities and he prospered.
Every Tuesday, Clinton joins Allison volunteering at the Y and they have formed a unique bonding experience contributing to the well-being of their community together.
Allison is certified in Basic Theory, Fundamentals, CPR & First Aid, as well as specializing in Pilates. Allison teaches Pilates as well as being a happy and welcoming ambassador for the conditioning room, while Clinton dons his amazing attitudes and friendly nature to the front desk.