Back in 2009 due to poor healthcare, I had to have brain surgery & due to the poor healthcare, I got ‘ataxia’, as there is no medication for this, being physically fit is a MUST!
Once my body was able to do the work, I got a ‘Y’ membership in 2010, it is ‘my’ place to…funny enough, relax!
I love working out, the people are mostly nice & the workers are wonderful! Very helpful!
Because of my working out & swimming at the ‘Y’, with my mom’s help, because I’m in a wheelchair, for now, I continue to progress & WILL NEVER GIVE UP!
I was 24 when my life & everyone around me’s life changed dramatically, I’m 28 now, still have lots to work on, but to me NO SWEAT!!!
Thankfully my ‘Y’ of Innisfil is just 5 minutes away!!!
So I must say my ‘Y’ is my ‘Yes’, as in ‘yes’ I want to go & progress!!!