Doug C.
There are a host of stories and testimonials from members describing how the Y has helped them physically, socially or financially. Instead I want to recognize those volunteers who have helped the Y.
They fall into 2 categories – donors of money and donors of time and talent. As chair of the recent Capital Campaign for the expansion and renovation of the Orillia YMCA, my eyes were opened by the generosity of individuals, service clubs and businesses in the community. Everyone holds the Y in high regard and as a result we were able to obtain a number of significant gifts to reach our campaign goal.
Money is important as the Y is a non-profit charity but what should not be overlooked are those persons who cheerfully give of their time to lead classes and programs, provide support at child care centres or fundraise for capital campaigns and to help defray the cost of assisted memberships. As a regular Y user at the Orillia facility, I am very aware of the important role these volunteers play in ensuring that the Y continues to be a top notch service provider.
So use and enjoy but don’t hesitate to volunteer when the opportunity arises. It benefits all of us!
– Doug Christie, Orillia YMCA Volunteer